The Shakespeare Reading Society
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Frances Hughes
Frances Hughes

Colin Pinney writes:

As Frances Hughes is no longer able to attend our readings, this seems an appropriate time to give some account of her contributions to the Shakespeare Reading Society (SRS).

Frances joined the Society in about 1983 and was secretary for 18 years until 2010. Besides reading major roles at our various meetings, she acted as a caster for many of the plays. She presented our reading of The Merchant of Venice at the Theatre Museum and of Twelfth Night at The National Portrait Gallery. Frances often enlivened our Annual General Meetings with lectures on Theatrical Personalities, as well as with several ingenious quiz programmes.

When both Chairman and Secretary were elected at somewhat short notice in 2013, Frances was an invaluable guide and mentor in the early years of their appointment.

Frances Hughes was a distinguished member of NADFAS (The National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies) and lectured all over the country on everything from Macbeth to A. A. Milne. Occasionally her readings were assisted by members of the SRS.

Frances’ daughter Sarah is casting director at The Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough and has in the past taken part in our evenings.

The Society has suffered a serious loss and many of us feel that we have lost a personal friend.