The Society’s annual subscription (September to June) is £30, or £10 for students and those who do not wish to read.
Other guests are welcome at readings at a fee of £5. For those considering joining an initial visit is free of charge.
What happens at our meetings
- All Shakespeare’s plays are read, generally in a six-year cycle, with occasional readings of plays by Shakespeare’s contemporaries, or later plays with Shakespearean interest.
- All members are encouraged to read but non-readers are also welcome. Readers stand to participate in a dedicated central space.
- Members are advised of their casting a month in advance to allow for preparation. A cast list is available each month, which helps new members to get to know fellow members’ names.
- There is time at the end of the each meeting for members to take refreshments, provided voluntarily, and to meet each other informally.
- Members may publicise their forthcoming theatre and other activities at the monthly meetings.
- Special events (usually at Christmas, following the Society’s AGM) have included lectures, ‘in conversation’ events with well-known members of the acting profession, cabaret-style performances by actors, and Christmas quizzes.
- New members are welcome at all times.