Romeo and Juliet

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Separate CSS   By default the “Open the text” and “Download the text” buttons supply files with CSS embeded. If you want to change the style, tick this box and supply a modified version of shakmob.css. That file contains instructions for one change you might wish to make: suppressing the Act.Scene.Line numbers against each speech.

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Use 1993 original state of Moby Shakespeare
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In 1.1 there is uncertainty as to whether the character should be called Abram or Abraham. In the First Folio the stage direction is "enter two other Servingmen". Thereafter the one that speaks is identified simply as "Abra.". (The name Balthasar has been guessed from a reference in 5.1.)
In 1.2 the Servant is called Clown in some editions.
At 1.2.75 & 76 there is uncertainty as to whether Romeo or the Servant says "to supper".
At 2.1.143 "Nurse [Within] Madam" may appear only as a stage direction.
At 2.1.199 the First Folio gives "parting is such sweet sorrow" to Romeo. However it shows the four lines "The grey-eyed morn … Titan’s wheels" being spoken by Romeo at 2.2.204 and repeated as the first four lines of Friar Laurence’s opening speech in 2.3. So clearly there has been some bad proof reading in this area and editors take different views as to how to tidy it.
At 2.4.207 some versions have the Nurse say "Peter, take my fan, and go before and apace".
At 3.1.58 some versions have "the hate I bear thee".